Welcome to the ARGUS DIY EU region page!
What is it?
ARGUS is an advanced clone of the classic GRAVIS ULTRASOUND PnP
soundcard that is made
by user shock__ and distributed now as a DIY project for the EU
region from this page.
You can read more on the ARGUS project on this lenghty VOGONS
What do I get
with this DIY kit?
You will get a high quality PCB with an original AMD INTERWAVE
chip that is the brains of the UltraSound PnP card.
You have the option to have the INTERWAVE chip pre-soldered on
your PCB - or not.
There is no extra soldering fee, the option is there for the people
that want to do all soldering by themselves.
In order to have a complete card
you will need to acquire all other needed parts, everything is
detailed in
the "ARGUS_final_doc.zip" file that is found in this
The .zip file contains all needed documentation such as partlist,
component map, BOM, installation notes and useful
programs to make an operational ARGUS soundcard.
(click on image for larger version)
You will basically get the a PCB with the
Interwave chip just like in the above photo, nothing less
nothing more. The PCB will be of the last revision of the ARGUS
design - so there could be some
differences due to improvements.
11-05-2022 update:
InterWave chips soldered and packages made
10-05-2022 update:
InterWave chips received and work began soldering them and preparing
I estimate everything will be shipped until Friday
29-04-2022 update:
PCBs received and Interwave chips are shipped and en route
(click on image for larger version)
to order
is now retired!
Please go to VOGONS
Argus thread for the freely available
gerber files to make your own! Thanks shock__ !!!
keropi at VOGONS forum
Thanks for visiting!!!
Please check out our other
retropc projects: PCMIDI
Orpheus soundcard
, MegaCard
and Action
last update: 08-04-2022 , always a WIP